Premium Access to the Climate Web offers users key advantages over Open-Access:
Premium Access allows you to utilize the more powerful desktop and mobile versions of TheBrain software by downloading a local (read-only) version of the Climate Web. The result is a huge increase in Climate Web speed, convenience, and functionality.
With local (Premium) access Climate Web videos and URLs open up within the Climate Web itself as opposed to having to open up new browser tabs. See the demonstration below.
Climate Web updates are pushed through to your local copy.
Premium Access let's you quickly find and utilize the more than 700 Topical Dashboards in the Climate Web that are difficult to use via on-line access. A few Dashboard examples are listed below, but the power of dashboards is worth exploring in more detail in our Master the Climate Web Climate Site. Right click on this link to open up the Dashboards page in a new browser tab.
- Business 202 - Carbon Footprint/Intensity as Risk
- Business 202 - Climate Risk Disclosure
- Business 303 - Liability Risk
- Business 303 - Policy Opposition/Advocacy
- Carbon Pricing 303 - 2 Degree Scenario
- Carbon Pricing 303 - The SCC as Carbon Price
- Communications 202 - Changing Minds
- Economics 202 - Social Cost of Carbon
- Impacts 202 - Bounding Potential SLR
- Impacts 202 - Changing Risk Probabilities
- Impacts 202 - Liability as Business Risk
- Impacts 303 - SLR as Real Estate Risk
- Mitigation 101 - Population and Climate Change
- Mitigation 202 - Natural Climate Solutions
- Philanthropy 101 - Philanthropy and Climate Change
- Risk 303 - Systemic Climate Risk
- Science 202 - Climate Change Tipping Points
- Technology 202 - Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Visualizations 202 - Climate change in 2050
- Visualizations 202 - Visualizing 1.5oC
Premium Access to URLs
The Climate Web includes tens of thousands of URLs, whether links to documents in the cloud, links to videos, links to news stories, and links to websites. In the on-line Climate Web most of these links are represented as URLs that you have to specifically click on to open them in your browser, and then close them.
With Premium Access, however, it’s as if all of those documents, videos, websites, and news stories are part of the Climate Web itself. You can see in the image below how the URL attached to the thought in the screenshot opens up instantly and automatically to the right of your screen, allowing you to read it there. You can do the same for documents, videos, websites, and more.
In fact, simply hovering your mouse over a thought will activate the URL as shown in the image below. This makes it possible to scan dozens of URLs and attachments in moments without having to even click on them individually.
As described above, if you’re accessing the Climate Web on-line (open access) you have to click on each thought individually to get access to its URL, and then click on the URL itself to open it in your browser, after which you have to close that tab and then return to the Climate Web’s browser tab. It certainly works, but it's a far less satisfying user experience.
All in all, Premium Access makes the Climate Web even more powerful, and serves as a BIG time saver for users. You can even take great advantage of Premium Access with the FREE version of TheBrain software, although TheBrain Professional does offer more options for visualizing, searching, and filtering Climate Web content as described here.